Speaking well is a particular skill we prioritize at Golden View. In history and literature classes students practice the art of conversation in regular seminars, and in Rhetoric they learn the art of public speaking in the form of speeches. The Rhetoric curriculum is based on the classical approach of Aristotle, but we read, watch and study speeches given by the Ancients (Pericles and Gorgias), men of the Renaissance (Shakespeare and Thomas More), American Revolutionary heroes (George Washington and Patrick Henry), as well as modern leaders and presidents (Winston Churchill, Martin Luther King, Jr., John F. Kennedy, and Ronald Reagan).
Moreover, students are responsible for crafting and delivering three major speeches throughout the course of the year. The first is a contest of the school’s virtues in which they attempt to persuade the audience as to which virtue is supreme. The second honors the dead and calls the living to emulate great heroes of the past. The final speech celebrates the legacy of a literary or historical figure the student has grown to admire, and explores how the student may also devote themselves to the same cause.
Learning the art of persuasion both in conversation and public speaking gives students an opportunity to learn from and honor virtuous people as well prepares them for all manner of situations, public and private, that they will encounter throughout their lives.
From Mrs. Hitch, Upper School English Teacher