Core Virtues
Golden View Classical Academy’s mission joins instruction in the principles of moral character and civic virtue with a traditional academic program. Virtue requires both a trained mind and a generous heart, and as such unites our ability to think and reason with our passions, desires, and feelings.
Rarely does a public school speak openly about virtue, since virtue means we judge our actions against an objective standard of beauty or goodness. Instead, most people speak of values, since in our age we are much more comfortable with language that does not make clear discrimination between good and bad. Indeed, to speak of virtue means that we judge some qualities of character to be better than others, and this entails taking a stand in their defense and attempting to cultivate them in our students.
Golden View Classical Academy focuses on seven core virtues: courage, moderation, justice, responsibility, prudence, friendship, and wonder. This list is largely inspired by Aristotle’s Nicomachean Ethics, a great book that our students will read in whole or in part before they graduate. We focus on these virtues because they have withstood the test of time. For over 2000 years, these virtues have guided men and women of every kind toward happiness.

Our Core Virtues
Our work as a school consists in cultivating these virtues for two related reasons, which together form the core truth of the American Founding. First, happiness consists in the active possession and use of the virtues. While the Declaration of Independence honors the natural right to pursue happiness, it is still true that the the way of virtue is the right one. Our Founders did not mean that each may do his own thing, an argument that leads away from virtue, but that each individual is free to pursue happiness through virtue, relying on his or her own strength and free choice. Second, a free and just regime requires an abiding commitment to the cultivation of virtue. Not only are these virtues crucial to happiness, they are crucial to the reinvigoration and defense of our country and regime, and therefore doubly advantageous. At Golden View Classical Academy we gladly defend our great tradition, with confidence that our students will act nobly and think seriously.