November 2022
Dear Friend of Golden View Classical Academy,
One of my favorite parts of our Veterans Day celebration at Golden View is the letters that students write and which we display for veterans to read. The messages are glowing and warm, and the drawings are…vivid. They always earn smiles and chuckles among the veterans who attend, and are a favorite of staff. But this year something different happened - two things in fact, and both of them take the cake.
I had the pleasure of meeting a man by the name of Grandpa Gilbert this year, as he came to visit his great grandchildren for Veterans Day. They took turns pushing his wheelchair, each of them beaming to be with him, not to show him off as a World War II veteran, but to take pride in him as their own. It was beautiful. They were so proud of him, and so proud for him to meet their friends. You see, it wasn’t just meeting Grandpa Gilbert that was so special, but seeing the looks of his great grandchildren, who no doubt at this stage do not yet understand the trials he and his generation faced, chest squared and shoulders back. They know he is special, and know that when we take time to honor him, they get some credit for being with him and part of his story. Thank you, Gilbert, for your service. And thank you to you too, Grace (4th Grade), Abigail (3rd Grade) and Ozzie (Kindergarten), for helping us honor him.
Something similar happened with many of our Grammar School classes. This year, we asked veterans to visit individual classes and answer questions students had about their service. The most interesting thing was that they didn’t really have questions; they had stories, stories about their aunts and uncles, their parents and grandparents, who were veterans, too. This is a remarkable fact. These students wanted to participate with the veterans who came to share their stories; they wanted to be included, and wanted their loved ones to be included, in whatever it was that Veterans Day was celebrating, not to outshine or deprive them of an honor that is theirs, but to augment and magnify it.
What exactly are we celebrating and honoring when we take time out of our day to do something special? Veterans Day celebrates those who served in our armed forces, in any capacity. But it is also for everyone else, all of us, and especially our youngest, to participate in that honor as well, to see themselves as part of a story that is still being told, to celebrate the reason our fellow citizens are in the armed forces at all - to sustain a free and flourishing republic.
Thank you, veterans, for your service, for coming to Golden View to celebrate with us, and for teaching our students that they, like you, are part of the American story.
Dr. Garrow
Principal, Golden View Classical Academy
Postscript: After writing this, but before sending it out, we were notified that Grandpa Gilbert J. Herrera, B Company 194 GIR and 17th AB Division, 1st Battalion, who fought in the Battle of the Bulge, passed away over the Thanksgiving holiday. He celebrated his last Veterans Day with his great grandchildren at their school and with their friends. For us here it is a reminder that it’s never too late to thank a veteran.